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Library Trustee Minutes 03/09/09
James A. Tuttle Library

45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting

March 9, 2009

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janis King, Connie Kirwin (Secretary), and Margaret Warner (Chair)

Guests: Ron Haggett  

Minutes of the 2/09/2009 meeting were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report:

·        Budgeted expenses are as expected except for overages in Fuel (oil) and Software (unexpected purchase of filtering software)

·        Nancy will contact Bob Edwards, Chair of the Trustees of the Trust Fund, to invite him to speak to the Board regarding the status of Library Trust funds and estimated income for 2009.

·        Treasurer’s report accepted as submitted.

Director’s Report:

·        See attached.

·        The board approved closing the Library from 6–8 Thursday evening, March 12, for Town Meeting.

·        Kathy is working on a policy covering volunteers at the library.

·        Regarding the Meeting Space policy, there is a problem obtaining occupancy numbers for the meeting spaces since the Building Inspector has resigned. It was suggested that Kathy contact either the Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief for the information.

·        Kathy is working on a building maintenance plan and schedule for the Town Administrator. There was discussion on budget allocation of payment for inspections and maintenance—town or library.

·        The humidifier leak has returned. The plumber has tried to get the manufacturer to resolve the issue and replace the defective humidifier. It was suggested that the Town Administrator or Town Counsel write a letter to the manufacturer about the situation. Kathy will contact the plumber with the suggestion. At the present time the humidifier has been taken off-line.

·        Discussion on the purchase of replacement light bulbs. It was suggested that we place the order with either Milford Electric or Rexel CSL Electric in Concord.

·        Discussion on thermostat programming. Monday through Thursday will be programmed to remain at a constant temperature. Friday through Sunday will have variable temperature programming.

·        It was noted that only page one of the Friends Group minutes was posted on the website. Since the group will become a 501C non-profit organization they will not be required to publish their minutes. After discussion it was decided that instead of posting the minutes there should be a section with “News from the Friends” containing information and updates about their activities. Kathy will discuss this with Lacey Brown, secretary of the Friends Group.

Old Business: 

·        Janis distributed the approved-as-corrected Personnel Policy to the board for signatures. Kathy will make copies and will distribute them to the library staff.

·        Janis returned her NHLTA trustee manual and keys to the building. Connie returned her key to the building and will bring her NHLTA trustee manual and the Secretary’s book to the Library next week. Margie has previous Secretary’s notebooks and Nancy has financial records. Space has been made in the staff room for the storage of all Trustees materials.

·        Margie announced that there will be a Trustee orientation at the Dublin Library on Thursday Apr 9 from 5–8 pm. It was recommended that Sandy, Colleen and Ron should attend.

·        The policy covering bounced checks was approved and will be inserted into the policy book. Connie will update the book with any other policies that have been approved and will e-mail it to Margie. She will also identify policies that need to be corrected such as the key policy, etc.

·        Kathy notified the board that the State Library is asking for a revised history of the Library. She and Ron will work on it.

·        Discussion on by-laws was tabled. Margie will make corrections and e-mail to the board for discussion at the April meeting and a vote at the May meeting.

·        Nancy updated the board on the status of the warrant article to purchase a generator that had been previously submitted to the Town. The Library’s warrant was removed after discussion with the Board of Selectmen. The purchase of a portable generator to be shared by the Library and any other town building will be funded in the Town’s building repairs warrant article to be submitted by the Board of Selectmen. The Town has also agreed to pay for wiring the Library for the generator.

New Business:

·        Nancy updated the board on the status of the repair of the front portico. We have $15,700 in TIF funds that were approved at the March 16, 2006 Town Meeting—Warrant Article 16. The work will be done this year by John Kendall per the originally agreement approved by the Board of Trustees.

·        Sandy Snow, who is absent tonight, will update the Board about the suggestion made by Brian Beihl regarding painting the shrub protectors that were constructed by the Boy Scouts. It was suggested that the Trustees invite Brian to a future meeting.

·        Connie reminded the Board that election of officers is usually done at the April Board meeting.

·        There was discussion on the Chamber of Commerce Daffodil Day celebration which will include a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Library. A motion was made to approve the celebration and extend our cooperation. It was unanimously voted in the affirmative.

·        Margie read a memo from the state library asking for information about “shovel-ready projects” that could qualify for the Federal Government Stimulus funds. Kathy noted that there is a website with information on eligibility and project qualifications.

·        Nancy suggested that the Library consider the purchase of electronic exercise games such as the Wii Fit. Kathy said that there is grant money available for electronic games for Libraries. The Friends Group may pursue this for the Library.

·        Thank you gifts were given to Connie and Janis for their many years of service as Trustees.

Next meeting:  April 13, 2009 at 7:30 pm at Tuttle Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary